Raw Fleeces For Sale, 2021

All customers, please call or email glentam@centurylink.net if you are interested in purchasing a raw fleece this year. Please do not charge shipping on our website store because I have not been updating shipping prices, they change too fast. Please call or email me for shipping prices and shipping can be paid for separately from the fleece in PayPal.

Colors: We have several lovely moorits, a white, a musket, and others for sale this year. Lots of interest in blacks and grays and not sure what we’ll have left of those–most blacks and grays have been spoken for or at least have interest from local people. Our fleeces sheared very well this year and were sound, strong, and fine. We coat all our sheep.

Prices per pound of skirted, raw fleece:

Show quality Premium Grade 1 (very fine) fleece.: $30 per pound

($25-$29 per pound for nearly show quality G! or PG1 or show quality that I am not showing if you pick it up at the farm and I don’t have to ship or take it somewhere.)

$23-$24 per pound for FFSSA Premium Grade 2 fine raw fleeces

$20-$22 per pound for FFSSA Grade 2 Fine raw fleeces.

$15-$20 per pound for FFSSA Grade 3 Medium Fine, depending on quality.

Most of our fleeces this year have good staple length (-4.5–6.5″ stretched) suitable for spinning directly from the lock without carding or combing if you like to spin that way.

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